Explore the multi-dimensional world of — Michael Wildes

Michael collaborates closely with event coordinators to tailor his keynotes to meet the unique needs of each audience. Here are a series of keynotes Michael is able to deliver to your audience grounded in years of aviation journalism, academic research, and industry insight.

The Latest Keynote Sessions

Offering 1

The new school: Who are the leaders shaping aviation's next chapter?

With an industry facing pilot and mechanic shortages, stakeholders in aviation are asking:

How do we build a culture of strong leadership and emotional intelligence within the aviation sector?

Michael addresses this question by combining his in-depth knowledge of aviation, leadership, and economics.

In this keynote, Michael will explore:

Michael writes,

"Whether it's understanding the dynamics of logistics or the importance of diversity and inclusion, the aim remains to elevate the discourse and inspire actionable change. These are not just industry issues; they are everyone's issues."

(Note: Michael has designed to offer enriching perspectives and actionable advice to a broad audience. It can be customized for professionals in various sectors, educational institutions, or community events, aiming to uplift, educate, and inspire.)

Offering 2

Making Aviation a more resilient industry

With an industry going through economic turbulence and rapid changes, leaders in aviation are contemplating:

How can resilience training and well-being become the foundation for a more adaptive and thriving aviation sector?

Michael tackles this question by bringing his vast expertise in resilience, professional development, and aviation to the forefront.

In this keynote, Michael will delve into:

Michael writes,

"From economic survival to mental wellness, these aren't merely challenges within the aviation industry; they are critical issues that we all must address. The objective is to uplift the conversation and motivate real, tangible change."

(Note: Michael has designed to offer enriching perspectives and actionable advice to a broad audience. It can be customized for professionals in various sectors, educational institutions, or community events, aiming to uplift, educate, and inspire.)

Offering 3

ending aviation's workforce shortages, for good

With airlines grounding planes due to pilot shortages, disputes over hours-reduction proposals, and massive investments in training programs, the aviation industry is at a critical juncture. The pressing question is:

How can we tackle these urgent challenges while creating an inclusive, sustainable aviation workforce for the future?

Utilizing current data, Michael delves into the multifaceted problems plaguing the aviation industry, from pilot and mechanic shortages to ineffective outreach programs and economic constraints.

In this keynote, Michael will cover:

Michael writes,

"Today's aviation workforce crisis is a complex web of economic, educational, and social issues. But as intricate as these challenges are, they also offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation and reform. Together, we can navigate this turbulence to land safely in a future where the aviation sector is robust, inclusive, and prepared for whatever lies ahead."

(Note: Michael has designed to offer enriching perspectives and actionable advice to a broad audience. It can be customized for professionals in various sectors, educational institutions, or community events, aiming to uplift, educate, and inspire.)

Offering 4

Navigating the Future of Aviation Through Disruptive Technology

As drones, autonomous aircraft, and Virtual Reality gain traction, aviation is at a pivotal intersection of technology and practicality. Industry leaders are asking:

How can these emerging technologies not only revolutionize but also stabilize and enhance the aviation sector?

Drawing from current trends, including the development of autonomous flight safety systems and partnerships for electric shuttles, Michael lays out a comprehensive vision for the future.

In this keynote, Michael will address:

Michael writes,

"As drones prepare for commercial delivery and Virtual Reality becomes a mainstay in pilot training, it's clear that technology is doing more than just disrupting aviation—it’s setting the stage for a new paradigm. This is about fostering innovation that doesn't merely cater to industry needs but addresses broader societal issues like sustainability and safety. It’s not just the future of aviation at stake, but the future of interconnected, responsible living."

(Note: This keynote incorporates a wide variety of emerging trends and technological advancements, providing a cohesive narrative for the future of the aviation industry.)

Offering 5

Flight Plan X: Navigating Economic Challenges in the Aviation Industry

As we recover from global challenges and face new economic uncertainties, leaders in aviation are asking:

Michael offers a comprehensive view of aviation's economic landscape with insights from former White House economists, industry trends, and the latest in business aviation.

Drawing from current trends, including the development of autonomous flight safety systems and partnerships for electric shuttles, Michael lays out a comprehensive vision for the future.

In this keynote, Michael will delve into:

Michael writes,

"The aviation industry is an economic ecosystem with its unique challenges and opportunities. From the potential impact of recessions to new funding avenues like SPACs and private equity, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment. This is the time for strategic navigation to ensure that we not only survive the economic turbulence but soar to new heights."

(Note: This keynote incorporates a wide variety of emerging trends and technological advancements, providing a cohesive narrative for the future of the aviation industry.)

Offering 6

here's how making better media can actually solve aviation's challenge to recruit more women

With women controlling over $31.8 trillion in global spending and being the leading consumers of media, the question leaders across sectors should be asking is:

How can we effectively and ethically tap into the immense influence and power of women?

As the co-founder of the Women Soar group, Michael combines passion for diversity with hard-hitting financial and media statistics, making both a business and ethical case for women-led content.

In this keynote, Michael will delve into:

Michael writes,

Armed with unparalleled financial clout and influence over media, women are a driving force that no industry can afford to ignore. By investing in women-led content, we unlock a wellspring of innovation and social progress. This is not just a diversity goal; it's a business imperative and a societal responsibility.

(Note: Michael has designed to offer enriching perspectives and actionable advice to a broad audience. It can be customized for professionals in various sectors, educational institutions, or community events, aiming to uplift, educate, and inspire.)

Offering 7

more robust supply chains: Aviation's role today

As we recover from global challenges and face new economic uncertainties among aviation supply chains, leaders in aviation are asking:​

How can we build a more resilient and efficient supply chain to adapt to the ever-changing landscape?

Michael addresses this pressing question by leveraging his in-depth knowledge of aviation, supply chain management, and economics. Drawing on his vast experience and insights, Michael will delve into the transformative shifts and opportunities in aviation logistics and supply chain management.

In this keynote, Michael will explore:

Michael writes,

"Effective supply chain management is not just a logistical necessity but a strategic asset that can drive both performance and innovation in the aviation sector. As we emerge from the challenges of the pandemic, the time is ripe to reimagine and revolutionize our approach to logistics and supply chain management."

(Note: Michael has designed to offer enriching perspectives and actionable advice to a broad audience. It can be customized for professionals in various sectors, educational institutions, or community events, aiming to uplift, educate, and inspire.)

Offering 8

The Impact of Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Business Aviation and Strategies for Resilience

As geopolitical tensions disrupt international air travel, airspace, and business relations, aviation leaders are asking:

How can the aviation industry navigate the complex regulatory and economic landscape shaped by the Russia-Ukraine conflict and emerge more resilient?

Michael addresses this pressing question by leveraging his deep understanding of aviation, geopolitics, economics, and risk management. With real-world examples and data-driven insights, he offers a roadmap for navigating these turbulent times.

In this keynote, Michael will explore:

Michael writes,

As aviation leaders, we are in uncharted territory. But it's precisely in times like these that innovation, agility, and ethical leadership are most needed. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is not merely a temporary disruption but a seismic event that calls for a comprehensive reassessment of how we conduct aviation business in a globalized yet fragile world.

(Note: This keynote is part of a broader suite of talks designed by Michael to inform, challenge, and empower industry stakeholders with the insights and tools they need to adapt and thrive. The content can be customized for different audiences, including corporate executives, government officials, and academic communities.)

Offering 9

Unlocking the Future of Sustainable Aviation Fuels

As the world grapples with climate change and its undeniable impacts, leaders in aviation are asking:

How can we accelerate the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) not only to meet regulatory expectations but also contribute to global sustainability goals?

Michael taps into his extensive knowledge of sustainable aviation, climate regulations, and emerging technologies to address this critical question. The keynote is designed to equip attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the evolving SAF landscape.

In this keynote, Michael will explore:

Michael writes,

"The sustainability of our planet and the viability of the aviation industry are inextricably linked. As we chart our course through this crucial decade for climate action, the advancement of Sustainable Aviation Fuels is no longer a niche concern—it's an industry imperative. We can soar towards a more sustainable and resilient future by leveraging policy support, technological innovation, and multi-stakeholder partnerships."

(Note: Michael has meticulously crafted this keynote to provide actionable insights and provoke meaningful discussions among aviation decision-makers. For optimal impact, it can be tailored to various audiences, from corporate leadership to policy advocates.)

Offering 10

Pilot's Mindset: Elevating Your Life by Training, Thinking, and Operating Like a Pilot

In a world that demands agility, resilience, and precision, what can we learn from those trained to navigate the skies? Michael combines years of experience in pilot training with key lessons that extend beyond the cockpit. Leaders from various sectors are asking:

How can principles from pilot training apply to broader aspects of professional and personal life? Can thinking like a pilot make us better decision-makers, leaders, and learners?

Michael taps into his extensive knowledge of sustainable aviation, climate regulations, and emerging technologies to address this critical question. The keynote is designed to equip attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the evolving SAF landscape.

In this keynote, Michael will explore:

Michael writes,

The skills and mindsets honed in pilot training are not just for those with wings; they are profound life lessons for us all. Whether it's decision-making under pressure, financial planning, or mastering new skills, adopting a pilot's mindset can propel us toward greater personal and professional success.

(Note: Michael has designed to offer enriching perspectives and actionable advice to a broad audience. It can be customized for professionals in various sectors, educational institutions, or community events, aiming to uplift, educate, and inspire.)